B, if you do all of the work it equals b
It has been suppressed by <em>Grutter v. Bollinger (2003).</em>
According to the <u>University of California v. Bakke case</u> (1978), college applicants’ race was allowed to be a factor in the admission policy, though racial quotas were ruled as impermissible.
Meanwhile, in 2003 <u>Grutter v. Bollinger</u> <u>case</u> ended with a court's decision that<em> admission policy that favors poorly represented ethnic minority groups does not violate the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, only if the policy takes other factors, such as academic excellence, into account.</em>
The difference between flextime and flexplace work accommodations from the given question is this: (B) one is flexibility in your work hours, and the other is flexibility in your work place.
In flextime, employees are free to choose the time of work that he or she would like to arrive in and depart from. In flexplace, employees are free to choose where she or he would like to work from.