O sectionalism was reduced.
We are in the 21st century.
It runs from 2000-2100.
I asked my cousin in highschool he said the Illuminati idk if that is the word you are looking for sry if that doesn't help
Colinists sent a message to Great Brittian by tossing tea off of Britains cargo ships.
Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but it's the simpliest that I could make it.
Isolationism is the practice or policy of taking distance from the interest or political affais other groups or countries, which has been sometimes characteristic of the Ameican political life as it was after WWI.
Some senators in the USA believed that the League of Nations violated the sovereignity of the country thus deciding not to join the league and refusing to ratify the Treaty of Versailles which was the agreement that officially ended WWI. Thereby (<em>C.</em>)