Germany had to pay too much money to the allies. And I’m sorry that’s all I got
Answer: They consolidated power by winning over the Chinese by ruling in a traditional Chinese style and building dams and the Grand Canal. Kublai Khan built these water projects.
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The Shang had a number of religious practices, one of which was veneration of dead ancestors; Shang people made sacrifices to and asked questions of their ancestors.
Ancient Chinese nobles sought to tell the future by writing on bone fragments or pieces of turtle shell and throwing those bones into a fire; the fortune seekers saw messages about the future in the cracks that formed.
Shang dynasty craftspeople mastered bronze, an alloy of copper and tin; bronze weapons gave Shang foot soldiers and charioteers a tactical advantage in combat.
The American Indian Wars were battles between American settlers and western Indians. Indians were also a key factor in the imperial rivalries among France, Spain, and England.But eighteenth-century conflicts were not limited to the European wars for empire. In Virginia and the Carolina, English-speaking colonists pushed aside many Indian tribes. When the Treaty of Paris was established it created conflict between whites and tribes. The Indians in the US were seen as a total waste of space.