From what I can remember, states' rights was a large factor contributing to the Civil War. With Lincoln becoming president and representing the North, the Southern states seceded, leading to a war. The state governments of the South argued that since the Constitution and federal government was created by the states, the federal government had no right to stop states from seceding. President Lincoln and other northerners disagreed and wanted to preserve the Union by stopping states from seceding.
After the war, I believe the South still disagreed on a strong federal government. They wanted to rule the area by themselves.
That means that slavery could’ve lasted longer if the south won the Civil War. If the Union hadn’t stayed together – that is, if the United States had broken into two – then it’s likely that other regions of the US would have taken advantage of Confederate secession or would have seceded themselves, either from the then-existing North or the South. So you could certainly see an independent Midwest, and the area from California through to Washington state probably could have made itself its own place. Even within the Confederacy, there were certainly sections like East Tennessee that were vigorously Unionist during the war, and which might have pulled away.
Hopefully this helped.
That the voters pay less attention to their representatives and senators until they do something that the voters disagree with.