Acid rain is caused by several toxins in the atmosphere seeping into condensation inside clouds, so when the rain falls, it carries the toxins with it. Due to the small size of rain drops, they are not poisonous, however over time acid rain can cause damage such as decomposing statues.
Hot & Dry conditions
-C4 is the alternative pathway of Calvin cycle (C3 cycle) taking place during the dark phase (light-independent stage) of photosynthesis. In the C4 cycle the first stable compound is 4 carbon compound, namely oxaloacetic acid. Hence it is called C4 cycle. It is a process of carbon dioxide fixation.
-C3 plants have the disadvantage that in hot dry conditions their photosynthetic efficiency suffers because of a process called photorespiration. When the CO2 concentration in the chloroplasts drops below about 50 ppm, the catalyst rubisco that helps to fix carbon begins to fix oxygen instead.
-The problem of photorespiration is overcome in C4 plants by a two-stage strategy that keeps CO2 high and oxygen low in the chloroplast where the Calvin cycle operates.
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Polar Bears International (PBI)
Physical science is the study of the inorganic world. That is, it does not study living things.
<h3>Hope it helps!! </h3>