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He uses aggressive and argumentative language. He appeals to the community's sense of pride. he uses powerful imagery
Family secrets shouldn't be told outside of the family because whoever told ypu that secret trusted you alot to keep the secret and just as you gained there trust you can lose it.
In “Marigolds” Lizbeth has one major change. She grows up and is no longer a child. At the beginning of the story, she remarks on the innocence of the children. She says,
“…. we were somewhat unaware of the world outside our community” (pg 1)
She knew that something was happening to her because she no longer enjoyed the childish games of the past. She reflects that she had,
“…a strange restlessness of body and of spirit, a feeling that something old and familiar was ending and something unknown and therefore terrifying was beginning.” (pg 1)
When the group was bored and decided to annoy Miss Lottie, Lizbeth went along reluctantly, but , when challenged, she did get into the action and threw the first rock. However, when it was all over with, she did not join in the celebration.
(I got it from someone else)
3; stage diretions
4; location
5; Charactors
6; Scenes
7; Time and setting
8; Director
9; actors
10; playwrightand italics
i had this same assinment