A six digit number that fits this criteria is 588588, for this number divided by 11 is a whole number, 53508. If you don't need to use both numbers, 555555 and 888888 also work as answers.
at first , you need the sum of both equations . It will be like :
2y= 0 + 2
now that you know the value of Y , place it in the one of the equation that you like , forexample i place it in the second equation and find out that the value of x is ( -3/2)
1= 2X+5
X= -2
Hope it helps , good luck ^.^
The best answer I see is:
D. Able to change a flat tire
You arent born with it to know how to change it automatically. Someone would have to show you how to.
Well the word problem does not fit the equation. It should be 2 + 3x = 13,
because the bucket weighs two grams, and the balls which are represented by (x) each weigh 3 grams.