Nick Caraway meets the man with the enormous owl-eyed spectacles in Jay Gatsby's library, during one of Jay's parties. Nick and Jordan had politely left their company to find Jay. ... This is the reason why the man with the spectacles is so surprised that the books are actually genuine. He expected them to be fake.
Gatsby's saving grace is that the books and the library are not to show off to everybody - just Daisy. They, like the wealth which has bought them, are merely a means to an end: his dream of winning Daisy back. So the books symbolize Gatsby's vision of himself and his dream but also the fact that they lack true depth.
Either the very first sentence or the very last sentence.
The first sentence because it is mainly talking about birds, trying to prove the point. The second sentence because it could have just been talking about the birds for an example on how people could learn a lot from animals..
It is false that dive and five are a pair of eye rhymes.
Eye rhymes refers to words which are written similarly, but have different pronunciations. For example, love and move - as you can see, their spelling differs only in one letter, but their pronunciation is not similar at all. This is not the case in dive and five - they are both written and pronounced similarly.
The background of the poem is presented in two ways, first showing how the public service is limiting and unsatisfactory for workers. At that moment, the background is established in the happiness of working in "getting rid" of this type of work. The other way that the background is presented is showing that joy and affinity have an auto price when exposed irresponsibly. That's because the driver in the midst of his happiness of being "free" from work life, not experiencing that life, since he decides to return home driving and drunk, which causes him to die.
The background of a poem refers to the context in which the poem is established and the context it presents. In order to identify this element, it is necessary that a detailed interpretation of the text be made, taking into account the use of words, literary devices, topics and themes that the poet used in the creation of the poem in question.