The answer is: The Silk Road.
D) Start military action in Afghanistan.
Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, the US government took immediate (including rescue operations at the World Trade Center site and the grounding of civilian flights) and long-term (including investigations, legislative reforms, military action, and rehabilitation projects) responses. Investigations into the attacks' intentions and execution led to the proclamation of a War on Terrorism, which resulted in continuing military operations in Afghanistan and, later, Iraq. Lower Manhattan was rebuilt thanks to cleanup and restoration operations, and government subsidies helped fund the creation of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.
As late as the beginning of the nineteenth century, despite the many years of direct contact with European traders and the influx of European goods, most African societies still produced their own iron and its products, or obtained them from neighbouring communities through local trade. The quality of iron products was such that, despite competition from European imports, local iron production survived into the early twentieth century in some parts of the continent. This was the case at Yatenga in modern-day Burkina Faso, where in 1904 there were as many as 1,500 smelting furnaces in production. The production process covered prospecting, mining, smelting and forging. Different types of ore were available all over the continent and were extracted by shallow or alluvial mining. A variety of skills were required for building furnaces, producing charcoal, smelting and forging iron into goods. Iron production was generally not an enclave activity but a process that fulfilled the totality of socio-economic needs. It also fitted the gender division of labour within communities.