How many number is on top of the 10 how many 0s
The minimum legth of a codon could be two. If it was only one of the 6 nitrogeneous bases in a codon, we'd only have 6 possible amino acids. If we have, though, a combination of two amino acids out of the 6 nitrogeneous bases, we would have then 36 possible combinations (6 possibilities for the first position × 6 possibilities for the second position) that would allow the existence of the 20 different amino acids.
In the human case, for example, with only 4 nitrogeneous bases, a combination of two amino acids would be insufficient (4×4=16) for the 20 amino acids.
c.blood and cells
c.presence or absence of a particular plasma
Homeostasis- state of maintaining a stable internal enviornment despite changing external conditions
Think of it like this. Horses do a LOT of galloping, which is hard on the feet! Hooves are a physical ADAPTATION, so that the horses won't experience pain on their journeys. They're hard, so that the horses don't feel the ground nearly as much. Now, mountain goats travel over rough terrain, with sharp rocks and steep inclines. Again, it's really easy for them to get hurt strutting around the mountains, so they evolved hard hooves to protect their feet.