What massacre exactly? Give details
The correct answer is D. Savannah, Georgia
Answer: Latinamericans felt themselves inferiors in their own countries. They could not held offices and they did not have full civil rights. In some countries (Brazil) there was a slavery. French and American revolutions translated ideas of Enlightenment (rationalism, constitutionalism, civil, political and human rights).
Explanation: In some Latinamerican countries there was no sufficient schooling and literacy what made the situation a bit difficult. Political and social emancipation took place only between higher, richer and more educated levels of society.
In the context of World War II, the 'Big Three' consisted of the leaders of the three most powerful countries on the side of the Allies. They were Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the President of the United States, and Joseph Stalin, the Premier of the Soviet Union.