scarcity is the lack of supply compared to the demand
„Oznacza to, że albo wygrasz bitwę, albo zginiesz, a potem zostaniesz zabrany do domu na tarczy”. „Matki spartańskie powiedzieli swoim synom, zanim wyszli na bitwę, aby przypomnieć im o odwadze i obowiązku do Sparty i Grecji. ”„ Wróć z tarczą - lub na nią ”
-Most slaves were women who worked not in fields but as household slaves.
-Slave traders marched slaves for sixty or seventy days across the Sahara.
-Slavery had been practiced in Muslim societies since the founding of Islam in the 600s.
the antebellum period focused on reforming society and one of their main focuses was to abolish slavery as a whole.
The battle of Poitiers---better known as the battle of Tours 732 CE. The franks obviously prepared to resist the muslims so their victory indicates they viewed muslim expansion into europe as a threat.