Answer: The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that opposed European colonialism. The Roosevelt Corollary was just an addition to the Monroe Doctrine.
Answered below
The civil rights movement was in its post civil rights era by 1988. The post civil rights period was the time since the voting rights of 1965, the fair housing act of 1968 and the civil rights act of 1964 were passed by the supreme court. These ended the legal discrimination and segregation, enforced voter registration and practices and ended segregation in housing, in places where these were discriminated against. Malcolm X and Martin Luther king were the activists at the forefront of the civil rights movement.
The women's rights movement did a lot and achieved a lot in a short period of time. Women gained access to jobs following the Equal Employment Rights commission. There was liberalisation in divorce laws and pregnant women weren't allowed to be sacked by employers. In 1972 with the passage of Title X, there was prohibition of gender discrimination.
People killing other empire’s
Because they wanted to
I would say the undeclared Anglo-Spanish war of (1585–1604). The Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) , and The fall of Constantinople (1453) are the most significant and here's why :
In the Anglo-Spanish war , if the English lost, the Spanish would have likely landed an invasion force and succeeded in overthrowing Elizabeth I, thus obliterating the Anglican church. Rather than becoming the most formidable sea power in Europe and, thus, being able to project that sea power, England would have become a Spanish vassal, making it much easier for Spain to “rub out” Protestantism in the rest of Europe. Furthermore, the notion of “Great Britain” would be strangled in its bassinet.
In the Battle of Thermopylae had not the Spartans, Thespians, and Thebans held the pass and allowed the other Greek forces the ability to muster a defense against the invading Persians it is entirely likely that Alexander the Great would never have had Aristotle as his tutor, and never have spread Hellenization to the known world resulting in the rise of classical culture and the offshoots it created.
In the Fall of Constantinople ; essentially this battle played a huge role in the formation of the modern world. as places like the Americas would never be discovered and the world maybe would be a different place, if the battle of Constantinople didn't happen.
Joseph Stalin was the former Prime Minister of the USSR
Joseph Stalin was from Georgia and his dad was a drunk. And Joseph Stalin was often beat by his father.
'Stalin's regime forcibly purged society of what it saw as threats to itself and its brand of communism, which included political dissidents, non-Soviet nationalists, the bourgeoisie, better-off peasants, and those of the working class who demonstrated "counter-revolutionary" sympathies."
stalin was feared because he was a brutal dictator who had dissenters exiled or killed