Trinity matters in knowing God and Gospel Matters.
Trinity is a christian doctrine and it is one of the most mysterious one still confused by many people. It preaches that the god is only one but exist as three coeternal persons- Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
The disciples of Jesus Christ were not ready to accept when He said about His death. The Bible states that Jesus said them about it many times but they did not understand. On the Fest of Passover, Jesus explained them about His death and he promised that the holy spirit will be with them after that.
Trinity is a christian doctrine and it is one of the most mysterious one still confused by many people. It preaches that the god is only one but exist as three coeternal persons- Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The disciples of Jesus Christ were not ready to accept when He said about His death. The Bible states that Jesus said them about it many times but they did not understand. On the Fest of Passover, Jesus explained them about His death and he promised that the holy spirit will be with them after that.
The Alabama was built by the British 1862, it was a screw sloop-of-war of the Confederate States Navy.
Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard of the Confederate States Army ordered the bombardment of Fort Sumter after Major Anderson refused to evacuate the Fort.
Morrill Tariff (1861) was an increased import tariff in the United States and how money was raised for the north.
Greenbacks were paper currency (with a back printed in green) issued as northern currency in the American Civil War by the United States.
Stonewall Jackson was a war hero and a successful general during the American Civil War, he was a confederate west point graduate.