Answer: The Navigation Acts, while enriching Britain, caused resentment in the colonies and contributed to the American Revolution. The Navigation Acts required all of a colony's imports to be either bought from Britain or resold by British merchants in Britain, regardless of the price obtainable elsewhere.
A - the citizens elect people to represent them in government.
In a republic the power is held by the people or who they elect - not a monarch (king) or small group of people, or even parole.
Female i believe... try looking it up
The first us police departments were created because of the need to control mob violence, which was common during the nineteenth century.
this is false
E Jewish holy book is the Tanakh (Jewish Bible),containing the Torah and the prophetic books. Tanakh is a Hebrew acronym of T, N, K which stands for the threeparts of the Tanakh: Torah, Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim(Writings). 1) The Torah (????) , also called the Pentateuch,is the primary Jewish holy book. It is comprised of the 5 Books ofMoses