1) El novelista no pudo llegar a la conferencia porque su avion se retraso.
2) El escultor decidió no vender la escultura porque ellos no le ofrecieron suficiente dinero.
3) La pintora estaba muy contenta porque ella vendio un cuadro.
El muchacho cómico
since it just one guy it won't have a "s" at the end.
Since its a guy it won't end with an "a' since ending with "a" means its a women.
aonejewelries is leaf chain necklace for girls
if you wanted a translation
The pattern I see is that you confuse number and gender.
- *Estos libro → It is not written in the plural because it speaks <u>only</u> of a <u>book</u>.
- Esos plato → It is not written in the plural because it <u>only</u> speaks of one <u>dish</u>.
- Aquellos carros → It is not written in the singular and masculine because it speaks <u>many</u> <u>cars</u> (masculine).
- Aquellas casas → It is written in <u>feminine</u> because it talks about some houses (feminine).