Video Editing software is used to play, create, and modify audio and video files.
Hi there Rumanruxi! The error is in the if statement "if(userNum = 2)".
The if statement in this Java code is assigning userNum the value of 2 instead of comparing it with the value of 2. For equals comparison we need to write two equals "==" in the statement as: "if (userNum == 2)". This will return true if userNum is 2 otherwise it will return false.
The following code is written in java programming language:
//set if statement
if (((modelYear >= 1999) && (modelYear <= 2002) && (modelName == "Extravagant")) || ((modelYear >= 2004) && (modelYear <= 2007) && (modelName == "Guzzler")))
recalled = true; //initialized Boolean value
else //set else statement
recalled = false; ////initialized Boolean value
Here, we set the if statement and set condition, if the value of modelYear is greater than equal to 1999 and less that equal to 2002 and modelName is equal to "Extravagant" or the value of modelYear is greater than equal to 2004 and less than equal to 2007 and the model year is equal to "Guzzler", than "recalled" initialized to "true".
Otherwise "recalled" initialized to "true".
Web browsers and servers communicate via TCP/IP. HTTP protocol is the standard application protocol that supports the responses.
The number of characters to shift each letter in the alphabet.
Caeser Cipher is the technique of encryption of data, to make it secure by adding characters between alphabets. These are the special characters that make the message secure while transmitting.
According to the standards, For Decryption, we remove these special characters between alphabets to make message understandable.
<em>So, we can say that,to de-crypt the message, the number of characters to shift each letter in the alphabet.</em>