1. - Observer
2. - iterator
3. - strategy
4. - composite
5. - decorator
An object contains other objects (elements) and must give access to them for clients, without exposing its internal structure. This is an observation.
The subject-object can generate events as an iterable (iterator) and could use different strategic algorithms to achieve a task. Class objects can be used to aggregate other class objects.
In python, the decorator function mimics the outer function of a nested function, but still maintains the functionality of the second function
that's muddled up I can't make out the question
B) computeValue(10);
Header: void computeValue(int value)
Determine the valid call
To call a function from another function or from the main, the following syntax has to be used.
<em>function-name(parameter-1, parameter-2, parameter-3,.....,parameter-n);</em>
<em />
In the function header given:, the following can be observed:
- The function name is computeValue
- It has only one parameter and it is of type integer
So, to call the function; we make use of computeValue(10);
Where 10 represents the value of the parameter (i.e. argument)
Answer: See explanation
Following the information given in the question, the testing process for the website will include testing the links that are on the site.
Another that ng to test is to check if the menus and the buttons are working properly. Furthermore, the layout should be ensured that it's consistent as well as the ease with which the website can be used.