Between the years 1096 and 1099 the first crusade occurred. This crusade was characterized by the mobilization of a large army composed mostly of French and German knights, who responded to the call of Pope Urban II to conquer the Holy Land. A large number of men from the most modest classes followed.
The attacks on Jewish villages in Germany were not caused by fear of their military power. The main motivation to carry out these acts of violence was the provisioning of these armies marching towards Jerusalem, which did not have the necessary preparation.
The Crusaders justified these attacks by claiming that both Jews and Muslims were enemies of Christ.
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10 bracelets, because 1 feet equal 12 inches and there are 5 feet so you need to do 5 x 12 =60. And Sal use 6 inches per bracelet so it 60 divide by 6 equal 10.
The correct answer is C) Drug Offences
In the United States, most offenders that are held in Federal intuitions such as prisons, are convicted of Drug offences.
This is a broad term and can encompass people who have been caught in possession of drugs, of smuggling them or selling them etc.
This statistic has caused a huge debate in the country where many believe that Drug offences are minor crimes compared to more serious theft and Burglary issues. Other point out to the fact that many of those imprisoned are from minority sections of the society.
Una Propuesta Modesta es una sátira publicada en 1729 por el autor irlandés Jonathan Swift, en la que sugiere que el problema de la pobreza que afectaba a Irlanda sería resuelto por la clase alta comprando a los niños de clase baja y comiéndolos. Swift decía que implementar su propuesta reduciría la cantidad de católicos en el país y haría que los hombres trataran mejor a sus esposas porque sabrían cuánto dinero podrían ganar al tener un bebé. Este ensayo es en realidad una crítica encubierta a la discriminación gubernamental y del poder económico hacia los católicos, que integraban en su mayoría la clase baja de la sociedad irlandesa. Al recomendar el asesinato de esos niños, trataba básicamente de inhumanos e inmorales a aquellos a los cuales se dirigía, al considerar que podrían llegar a realizar dichas acciones motivados por el odio que tenían hacia estas personas.
Number 2 best suits the answer