The Austro-Hungarian Empire blamed the entire Serbian country for the death of the Archduke instead of the terrorist group responsible. The Bosnians were close to the Serbs, and both countries took great offense to the blame.
Some of the earliest Mesoamerican cultures included the Olmecs, the Mayas, and the Aztecs. The Olmecs lived near the Gulf of Mexico, in “swampy, lowland river valleys.” Water drains made out of stone, hieroglyphic writings, and a calendar, were a few of their achievements. The Mayas lived in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico today. Their priests were extremely good mathematicians and astronomers. They developed a system of mathematics with 20 as the base, accurate calendars, and were the first Native Americans that developed a writing system. The Aztecs lived in Central Mexico. They were a very advance civilization with a network of canals, bridges, and causeways. Some of their achievements included chinampas, artificial floating islands used for farming, and a calendar.
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There is a very close relationship between plot and characterization or character development. As the plot moves forward, the plot reveals the characters' qualities. Likewise, it is also the characters' actions, beliefs, attitudes, and motivations, all of which make up characterization, that help to move the plot forward.One of Oedipus's qualities is his excessive prideand it is that quality which drives the plot forward the most. His excessive pride is...