
➤ Use a website analytic tool to obtain a map of visitors
This Is False
Using a map to obtain a map of visitors would not help the developer. This would just give the developer unnecessary information about different login cites and places. Users logging in could be kids, teenagers or adults. The map will not show which is which, and it would not show the amount of teenagers logging in. It would show login cites, and that is information that is not needed.
➤ Use a website analytic tool to determine traffic sources
This Is False
Using a website analytic tool to determine traffic sources will not help the developer. This will simply give him a report of different cites, URL's, pages and links that clog his site. Yes, it could show what music genre link is being clogged the most, but chances are it could have been clogged because a user was clicking on the link too much.
➤ Use a website analytic tool to identify entry pages
This Is True
By using a website analytic tool to identify entry pages, this can help the developer acknowledge what genre of music is most visited and clicked on. Once he knows what genre of music is getting clicked on and wanted the most, he can add more music to that section. People might get this confused and think that this option tells the developer when people log in. That is incorrect. Using a website analytic tool to identify entry pages tells what pages are entered the most. What genres and links are clicked on and visited the most.
➤ Use a website analytic tool to identify exit pages
This Is False
There is no need to use a website analytic tool to identify exit pages. The developer does not need to know where and when someone exited the page. That is not relevant to his goal. He does not need to know what pages are left the most often, he would like to know what pages are entered the most often.
A - False
B - False
C - True
D - False