Bonjour !!
The verbs in -re are verbs from the 3rd group.
Verbs in -dre or in -tre
the endings in present tense always are something like
? / -s/ ? /-ons / -ez / -ent ...<em>some have an -s at the 1st person, some have nothing at the 3rd person sing.....</em>
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For "regular " verbs you just drop the infinitive ending which is -re
je => -s
tu => -s
il/elle => t or d
nous => -ons
vous => -ez
ils/elles => ent
tu entend-s
il/elle/on entend
nous entend-ons
vous entend-ez
ils/elles entend-ent
<em>But for those verbs in -re, there are no real rules; they all are different</em>
<em>This is the most difficult verb group to learn</em>
Some of keep the -d or -t and you add only at the singular form
je pren-ds
tu pren-ds
il/elle pren-d
nous pren-ons
vous pren-ez
ils/elles pren-nent
<u>Mettre</u><em> or </em><u>paraître</u> loose one -t at the singular form
je mets
tu mets
il/elle met
nous mettons
vous mettez
ils/elles mettent
je parai-s
tu parai-s
il/elle paraî-t
nous parai-ssons
vous parai-ssez
ils/elles parai-ssent
I could go on with verbs as "cuire" , "<u>conduire</u>" <em>(cook, drive)</em>
<em>( je condui-s </em>
<em>tu condui-s</em>
<em>il/elle condui-t</em>
<em>nous condui-sons</em>
<em>vous condui-sez</em>
<em>ils/ elles condui-sent</em>
"<u>écrire"</u> <em>(write)</em>
<em>tu écri-s</em>
<em>il/elle écri-t</em>
<em>nous écri-vons</em>
<em>vous écri-vez</em>
<em>ils/elles écri-vent</em>
So just be patient....
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We <em>(French people)</em> always say that "it is the exception which confirm the rule" ... !!! In fact, French grammar is made of exceptions !!!!
Hope this helps ☺☺☺