Stanley Milgram showed that individuals will cause other individuals harm if ordered by others and if they don't have a direct contact with those other people, but are separated by technology.
In his experiment, people thought they are applying electric shocks to other participant under the orders of the experimenters and most of the participants did not refuse to administer those shocks.
Like the other classical economists, Karl Marx believed in the labor theory of value to explain relative differences in market prices. Many intellectuals, labour unions, artists and political parties worldwide have been influenced by Marx's work, with many modifying or adapting his ideas. Marx’s thoughts on economic globalization are contained in his philosophical views, his ideas on historical materialism and his theory of world history. Marx’s thoughts on economic globalization mainly reveal the nature and trends of economic globalization; he emphasizes that economic globalization is a result of the global expansion of capitalism.
Some Christians viewed Jews as enemies of Christianity is your best answer.
As in the bible, it states that it was the Jews that wanted Jesus (whom the Christians believed to be the son of God) to be crucified, and so in return, the crusaders began to slaughter most of them. This was inexcusable, and led to the Church having to provide established order and justice.
This was used to try and limit the voting to the wealthy white man and to not allow poor or blacks to vote in elections. this way the power would stay in the hands of the rich