It can be a good way to increase portfolio value.
Arbitrage trading involving buying an investment instrument in one market and simultaneously selling it in another. Arbitrage trading takes advantage of unadjusted/ unsynchronized prices (market inefficiency) in different markets. Stock XY may be trading at a price of $45.41 in market A and $45.51 in market B. An investor can buy the stock in Market A and, at the same time, sell it in market B, thereby gaining $0.10 per stock.
Arbitrate trading is a low-risk investment strategy, but its returns could be great. Trades are executed simultaneously, minimizing risk. Rewards are constant. Arbitrate trading is a good way of growing a portfolio due to its low-risk and almost guaranteed profits characteristics.
buildup the amount of their reserves
Based on the information provided within this question it can be said that in order to address this problem, insurance companies typically buildup the amount of their reserves. By doing this the company's have a sort of "escape plan" allowing them to pay these excess costs that they would otherwise not be able to pay since it exceeds the amount that they are making.
I would need to see the chart but if BigBox has more, it would be they are the dominant, and same for CheapStore. basically, whoever has more revenue (money production) will have the dominant strategy.
Based on the information given we were told that the City General Fund balance sheet for the month of December 31, 2019 shows that inventory had the amount of $28,000 while prepaid rent has the amount of $10,000 which means that the amount of money that city will report as NOSPENDABLE fund balance in their general fund on December 31,2019 will be $38,000 calculated as ($28,000+$10,000).
The license of the business could be revoked