A i think is the correct answer
Water covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface!
x) there is less demand at night
Electric power and it's the price is dependant on the level of demand it has, there are peak and off-peak times during the day, generally speaking <em>during the night (between 10 pm and 7 am) electricity has lower demand</em>.
The existence of peak times at a day is the reason why<em> hydroelectric generation is lower at night</em>, normally in peak off times the hydroelectric generator stores water for when the demand increases, same happens with <em>powerplants at night not being as efficient as they are during the day when the energy is more needed.</em> Finally, <em>pollution control is stringent at all times of the day, its not related to the demand.</em>
I hope you find this information useful! good luck!
From where to where, because I need to know where you from to travel it from here to there.
Always partially agree in geography to give more info (bad and good point)
I parttly agree with this statement.social media has a large impact on American culture today, from posting Starbucks selfies to LGBTQ+ awarness and the 'America dream'.
Through social media America is presented as a cultured varied open opinioned county what shows they culture of family love and 'the dream' but social media can also be fake and make people believe just because that one person said something we all believe in that.
An example Donald trump "we will make America great again". This quote make people believe that all Americans are self-absorbed and possibly only care for there own country but we don't.
Though television American are mocked for there bias opinions and veiw points.
Overall I do think the cons do overnight the pros but social media is such a large platform its the easiest way to get information out to a large ammout of attended veiwers.