The definition of trade off is an exchange where you give up one thing in order to get something else that you also desire. An example of a trade off is when you have to put up with a half hour commute in order to make more money.
A sea breeze describes the wind that blows from the ocean inland towards land. This breeze occurs most often in the spring and summer months because of the greater temperature differences between the ocean and nearby land, particularly in the afternoon when the land is at maximum heating from the sun.
During the day, the sun heats up both the ocean surface and the land. Water is a good absorber of the energy from the sun. The land absorbs much of the sun’s energy as well. However, water heats up much more slowly than land and so the air above the land will be warmer compared to the air over the ocean. The warm air over the land will rise throughout the day, causing low pressure at the surface. Over the water, the high surface pressure will form because of the colder air. To compensate, the air will sink over the ocean. The wind will blow from the higher pressure over the water to lower pressure over the land causing the sea breeze. The sea breeze strength will vary depending on the temperature difference between the land and the ocean.
At night, the roles reverse. The air over the ocean is now warmer than the air over the land. The land loses heat quickly after the sun goes down and the air above it cools too. This can be compared to a blacktop road. During the day, the blacktop road heats up and becomes very hot to walk on. At night, however, the blacktop has given up the added heat and is cool to the touch. The ocean, however, is able to hold onto this heat after the sun sets and not lose it as easily. This causes the low surface pressure to shift to over the ocean during the night and the high surface pressure to move over the land. This causes a small temperature gradient between the ocean surface and the nearby land at night and the wind will blow from the land to the ocean creating the land breeze.
Absence of jaws. Is the answer
The chloroplast is involved in both stages of photosynthesis. The light reactions take place in the thylakoid. There, water (H2O) is oxidized, and oxygen (O2) is released. The electrons that freed from the water are transferred to ATP and NADPH
Fungi are natural decomposers in ecosystems. They break down waste and dead organisms, and return the nutrients back into the ecosystem so more plants can receive nutrients, animals can eat those plants, and so on and so forth.
If all the fungi died out, things that decompose it will remain, and the nutrients will not return to the ecosystem. This will cause the plants to receive less nutrients, along with the animals, and as the cycle continues plants will not have enough nutrients to become a sustainable food source. If this happened, the herbivores would not have food and die out. The creatures that eat the herbivores would not have their food either. Eventually us humans will not have good food sources due to lack of nutrients.
In terms of the economy, many animals are sold in the stock market or sent to stores for humans to buy. If there was a large decrease in cattle, for example, the cattle stock would disappear and all the shares in that stock would be lost. This would make a lot of problems, and as the stock market is very complicated and large scale it would be an absolute disaster if an entire stock disappeared. It also wouldn't be JUST cattle. Wheat, corn, and crop stocks would be lost too. Other animal or livestock stocks would be lost as well. This could eventually cause the stock market to crash in a way, which would lead to the Great Depression. Just because of fungicide.
It's not like you would put down some fungicide and the stock market would crash a month later. It would be a very slow and gradual thing, which is good so we can keep things like that from happening right now!
Hope this helped!