Narrow specialization of tasks within a production process so that each worker can become a specialist in doing one thing, especially on an assembly line. In traditional industries (see sunset industries), division of labor is a major motive force for economic-growth. However, in the era of mass customization (which requires multiple skills and very short machine change-over time), division of labor has become much more flexible. Also called specialization of labor.
They also used the same public places, lived in similar facilities, and were pretty much on the same level in most aspects of life.
In 1821, the opening of the Santa Fe trail between Santa Fe and "Independence, Missouri" led to a reorientation of new mexico's commerce from the rest of mexico to the united states.
Independence is the name of a city in the State of Missouri which is known to be the fifth largest city of the state. Its population according to 2010 reports was 116,830. It is situated within the Jackson City and it is the county seat of that.
Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las mujeres eran en su mayoría amas de casa. Aquellos que trabajaban fuera del hogar generalmente trabajaban como secretarias, recepcionistas o dependientes de grandes almacenes. Sin embargo, una vez que Estados Unidos entró en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, millones de hombres se fueron a la guerra y las mujeres ocuparon los puestos civiles y militares que dejaron atrás.
Help protest against the outbreak of civil war in America