You could say "el dorado," which could be translated as "the golden." Technically, "dorado" refers to the color of gold, so it could also mean "the gilded" or "the gold-colored," but I think it's the phrase you're looking for.
"The cassock is a very powerful ornament created by heavenly immortals and is only meant to be worn by a true monk.
"If it is worn, all demons are extinguished;
When donned it sends all monsters down to hell.
It was made by the hands of heavenly Immortals,
And none but a true monk should dare put it on."
(सुसान) ते छान चित्र आहे
(चिन्ह) धन्यवाद
(सुसान) मी आपला पेंट ब्रश वापरू शकतो?
(चिन्ह) होय
(सुसान) धन्यवाद
(चिन्ह) स्वागत आहे.
(सुसान) हा वर्ग मजेदार आहे
(चिन्ह) मला माहित आहे.
(सुसान) होय! अहो वर्ग संपला. उद्या भेटू
(चिन्ह) ठीक आहे, बाय सुसान
Hope this helps :)