Make sure prices of goods and services are set by supply and demand .
The economies of the United States and other countries, such as Japan, are based on capitalism. ... Decisions regarding investment and the use of the means of production are determined by competing business owners in the marketplace. Production takes place within the process of capital accumulation.
Countries that have a market economy are Mexico, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada . These countries have a market economy because the prices of goods and services are set by supply and demand .
The right answer is:
E. A slave on a large plantation slowed down the work pace.
Slowing down the work pace is a form of sabotage or boycott. It will lower productivity and all of this will result in a loss for the plantation´s owner.
1. John Cabot arrives on the shores of Canada and claims the land for Britain in 1497.
2. After a series of battles, Cortés overthrows the Aztec Empire and claims Mexico for Spain, in 1521.
3.The Amadas and Barlowe expedition leaves England to explore the New World on 27 April 1584.
4. Champlain founds Quebec, in present-day Canada, the first French colony in the Americas in 1608.
5. The Spanish founds the city of Santa Fe in New Mexico in.
6. France founds the city of New Orleans along the Mississippi River.
This period of time is known as Black Friday. In 1869, two people named Jay Gould and James Fisk, considering that at the time gold was still used as international currency, sought to corner the gold market by purchasing every single gold unit they could get their hands on. This caused the price of gold to highly rise for a small period of time, but having discovered the scheme of these two, former President Grant released millions of dollars in gold on a Friday. This release caused the price of gold to plummet, and the country entered economic turmoil.