An easy way to solve this is to convert 1/8 into a percentage then see from that point.
To turn 1/8 into a percentage, you must first get the decimal form of the fraction. In this case, 1/8 as a decimal is 0.125.
Now that we have the decimal form, we can divide the decimal over 100 (common numerical number to use when dividing) to get the percentage, which should be 12.5%.
Now, our new question is 'what's bigger, 80% or 12.5%?'
The answer is 80%, since it is larger than 12.5%.
Step-by-step explanation:
: (2.0+(2.0+2.0)) = 6.0
The perimeter of the large square is 24 and the area is 36 units
the perimeter of the small squares are 4 and the areas are 1 unit.
All together the perimeter is 29 and the area is 38.