C. A mudslide caused by excessive rains
Soil erosion is the washing away or the blowing away of the top layer of the soil due to wind or water with the motion nutrient of the soil also washed away with them. This generally occurs due to excess of deforestation or cutting down of trees.
A mudslide is caused by heavy rain fall, where the gravity of the rainfall conquers the force of soaked soil.
Because the end of the wide garden gate is farther from the pendulum. The farther something is from the pendulum, the more distance it must travel to open.
Answer: site of ancient continental collision oceanic crust subducting under continental crust
B) Infiltration from surface to the soil and then it percolates through the soil down to the bedrock and water table
It is called a flood plain because it is a big wide space in which allows the water to flow currently.