Find and correct mistakes in participle and adverbial sentences. Seeing her son on the road, tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. Opening the window, the scent of lilac burst into the window. Studying the Ural Mountains, geologists have made many interesting finds. URGENTLY................................................
Theseus, Attico legenda magnus magister, Aegei filius, rex Athenas, et Aethrae Pitthei filia, Trcezen regem (in Laconia), aut maris Neptunum deo et coelo. Concrederet Aegeus refert, legenda, vadam absque liberis, permissum fuit, ut puer a Pittheam profugo (Theseus) ab aethra.
Explanation: In legenda, Theseus, considerandum est pater aut filius non est deus Neptunum concrederet Aegeus rex Athenarum. Mater eius erat nixibus Aethra Pitthei filia, regem Troezena petebam concrederet Aegeus, quam seduci.
The sum of all numbers is 50. Let's say there have been 50 events, for which property A, B or C holds.
In the center of A, B and C, there is the number 8, which would mean that for 8 out of 50 events, all three properties hold.
The chance of this happening is 8/50 = 4/25 = 0.16
Being a hero, means to save someone in need. Being a leader is teaching someone to save themselves! :D
Você esqueceu de dar as alternativas para a questão poder ser repondida corretamente.
You forgot to put the alternatives of the question. By this reason your question could not be answer properly. Always remember to write the whole question.