1:Who was in the car?
2:What did you hit?
3:Have you drunk alcohol recently?
4:Have you ever smoked drugs?
5:Have you been in a car crash before?
6:What is your name?
7:Where were you going?
8:Does anything hurt?
9:How many fingers am i holding up?
10:Where have you come from?
11:Can i contact anyone?
12:Can you wiggle your fingers and toes?
13:Do you have any allergies?
14:Do you have any medical issues?
15:Does anybody know you were here?
16:Is anything numb?
17:Can you breathe easily?
18:Does your chest hurt?
19:Can you feel your face?
20:Does anything feel like it is burning?
The suffix is -ness and it indicates a quality or condition of the root word. In this instance, it would have the quality of quiet.
3 should go after 4
"We had some trouble the next evening trying to take the heavy garbage can to the curb. The can did not have wheels, so we had to drag it behind us. On the first night, my brother and I watered their flowers using a garden hose"
It was the biggest historical and economic influence on 19 th century];
Answer:B: the valve of promise