Sí você tem consciência das coisas você pode pensar no que você está fazendo. E não fazer bobagem
Well, I would think it would be to get all the germs off of the dog so that there is a lessr chance that someone in the house will get sick. Also, the rain could get the dog sick, and if you let the dog back in without cleaning it, someone in the house could get sick. I assume that you probably care about your dog, so this is most likely done for the care and safety of your dog. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing what you're doing. It is probably just done for everyone's safety.
decir --->di
bailar ---> baila
abrir---> abre
poner --->pon
tener --->ten
hablar --->habla
comer --->come
En castellano, el imperativo familiar singular es formado con la <u>tercera persona en singular</u> Tú y el verbo conjugado en <u>tiempo presente modo indicativo</u>.
Esto lo diferencia del imperativo formal singular, donde se usa la <u>tercera persona en singular (formal) </u>Usted.
Entonces, el imperativo familiar singular para los siguientes verbos es:
decir ---> di (Tú)
bailar ---> baila (Tú)
abrir---> abre (Tú)
poner --->pon (Tú)
tener --->ten (Tú)
hablar --->habla (Tú)
comer --->come (Tú)