<span>The first great discovery of genetics happened In 1865, when Gregor Mendel published a paper on his study of inherited traits in plants. He is often called the founder of genetics.
water is constantly moving across the earth. The water is strong enough to break down soil in tiny pieces. What’s happening is a process called erosion. Erosion is: the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.
"the problem of soil erosion".
Water also carries sand and moves it around, this obviously changes the shape of the earths surface!
Are there multliple choice, if so what are the answers and I can help you out
Answer: The answer is D; The speed of neural transmission is measurable
Helmholtz constructed an apparatus specially to measure short time intervals of the order of ten-thousandths of a second, Helmholtz was able, in an elegant experiment published in 1850, to measure precisely the speed of conduction of the nerve signals in the motor nerve of the frog's leg.