Inspired ideals of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as separation of powers. John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu
The supply of books were increasing greatly in Europe from the 15th century to the 18th century.
They were written in the midst of the debate over electing representatives to a ratifying convention in New York (state), and the immediate target audience was New York readers, particularly those who would be shaping the state’s approach to ratifying the Constitution.
Peasants grew the crops and tended the livestock. They generally rented strips of land from th elrod of the manor, and paid rent in in the form of labour on the lord's own farm (demesne). Peasants made money by selling their surplus produce. In time, this labour rent was replaced by cash rent, which was more convenient for both lord and peasant. some peasants worked as paid labor on the lord's demesne, or sometimes poor peasants with little or no land of their own worked for wealthier peasants as servants or laborers.
I believe it is A hope it helps