For the next 71 days, Indian protesters at Wounded Knee would hold off the federal government at gunpoint. Media from around the world would give the siege day-by-day coverage. And Native Americans from across the nation would come to Wounded Knee to be part of what they hoped would be a new beginning.
A, E
The Phoenicians invented an alphabet of 22 characters denoting consonants. This alphabet then became the basis of the Greek, Latin, and Slavic alphabets. They radically improved shipbuilding, laid routes to the very ‘limits’ of the world known in their era, and even significantly extended these limits. In a sense, they became the first “globalizers" – they connected Europe, Asia and Africa with an all-pervasive web of trade routes.
Their method of building the fleet implied the introduction of certain standards, and, therefore, some system of measures and weights. These standards became common in the Mediterranean region. For example, the king of the Greek city of Argos - Fidon - introduced a unified system of measures of length and weight ("Fidon measures"), based on the Phoenician standards.
Prideful enough to lay down their lives for Japan
Emmett Till's murder was such a spark in the civil rights movement because there was proof that Emmett was not guilty of what the people accused him of, he was only 14 years old at the time of his death and because the people that killed him admitted in a national newspaper that they killed him and were still found not guilty.
The railroad decreased transportation time across the United States from about six months to roughly "one week," which was incredibly important in terms of settlement and business in the west. <span><span>