The play is about the frightening path of the children's doomed love and the constant anger of their parents. Only the children's death could end the fight. This is the story for the rest of the play.
Think this is what your asking?
I believe the theme of the story revolves around truth and how it can be defined or changed by those who have more power.
Ambrose Bierce's "The Difficulty of Crossing a Field" is a one-page short story. A man named Williamson is crossing a field when he suddenly disappears. However, only two people are listened to and believed when it comes to this strange fact - Mr. Wren and his son. But most importantly, Mr. Wren and his son are white men who own some land. Williamson's own wife and the slaves working on the field are not listened to or believed at all. The wife is even said to have lost her mind. The inferiority of Africans and women is clearly shown - and let's make it clear that Bierce is criticizing such an action. Everyone saw his disappearance, everyone came up with different explanations to it, but the woman and the slaves were not considered worthy of being heard and trusted. The "truth" in the end is something chosen, established by a few.
The answer to this question is the third statement which is "innate ideas exist because we are all born with them". Although there are some philosophers who disagree with this concept. Innate ideas are ideas that are inborn. We have already this idea even we don't have experience.