Leon Trostski:
He took control of the interdistrict Social Democratic Organization.
Entered the petrogtrad soviet. Criticized with some caution the coalition between socialist and bourgeoisie in the Provisional Government, and agreed with Lenin on the need for a second insurrection to end the Government.
Provisional wich he considered representative of the interests of the wealthy classes, and maintained his conviction of the need for the revolution to spread throughout Europe to survive in Russia.
May failed a first attempt to enter the Bolsgevik party, in spite of the great proximity in the positions between Trotsky and his group and Lenin's party.
Trotsky declared himself a supporter, unlike the bulk of the party, apparently favorable to opposing the empires by arms rather tahn accepting the required conditions, and Lenin himself-Willing to accept them to save the revolution in Russia and buy time for it.
Spread across Europe to abandon the war without signing the peace. This gesture was a faliure; The empires did not stop advancing and the Soviet government had to rush to accept the conditions that had previously rejected.