Yes,yes he would most definetly.
The wall was built to prevent East Germans from fleeing and stop an economically disastrous migration of workers.
He was trying to deal with the East Germany's refugee problem which was The East Government was extremely unpopular-so many East Germans fled to West Germany- between 1949 and 1961 2.7 million escaped to West Germany- Many of these were very skilled- such as doctors.
To make this answer short The problems that Krushchev was trying to deal with was to keep the East Germans from fleeing and to stop an economically disastrous migration of workers.
- Demarcation of indigenous lands.
- Permission of political rights for indigenous peoples.
- Indian Reorganization Act formulation
In 1887 the American Congress promoted the demarcation of indigenous lands. The demarcation promoted the existence of indigenous reserves, where the natives had to move to a specific territory that was demarcated as an indigenous reserve. This act greatly weakened the relationship between the Americans and the indigenous tribes, since the tribes saw this act as harmful. During that time, the indigenous people were subjected to a forced assimilation by American culture. Children were forced to study in regular schools, where they were punished for wearing the typical clothes of their tribes, or to speak their native languages, for example.
In 1924, the congress decided to provide political rights to indigenous people through the Citizenship Act. At that time, indigenous people were considered American citizens. This act was not welcomed by the indigenous community, which was afraid that it would take away the status of the indigenous community as the original community of that country.
In 1934, the congress approved the Indian Reorganization Act, which allowed tribes to adopt their own constitutions, giving indigenous people the right to discuss their territories, conditions for obtaining tribe member status, the possibility of establishing powers, documents, eligibility, among other rights.
Competition in the Cold War
The Soviet became the second country to develop nuclear weapon after the United States. As both countries engaged in military weapon which led to the development of missile and rocket. The U.S. began to panic when the Soviet launch the first artificial satellite called Sputnik to go to space.
The successful launching of Sputnik I by the Soviet Union led to the direct formation of NASA in America. Government passed the National Aeronautics and Space Act in 1958. The Sputnik I was a technological success with its size, caught everyone attention, especially Americans who were astonished by Soviet technology.
Yuri Gagarin became the first to go to space. John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth. Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon.
James J. McAlester contributed to the economic development in Indian Territory by making many lucrative coal claims and later on establishing McAlester Coal Mining Co.