How did Charles V and Philip II expand the Spanish state? They fought wars and tried to expand Catholicism. How were citizens' rights determined under the absolute monarchies in Spain and France? By the ruling monarch.
One of the main reasons why Bismarck wanted to control the territories of Alsace and Lorraine was mostly because both territories were plentiful and useful territories to have in any country as they were quite developed. It was also good for strategic reasons.
Let me handle your first question -- always good to do one question at a time here. :-)
Prior to President Theodore Roosevelt, those who preceded him in federal government had tended to side with industry leaders, expecting laborers to fall in line and do the work for the good of the companies. In 1902, when there was a particularly tense strike by coal workers, Roosevelt invited both sides (labor leaders and management leaders) to the White House to negotiate. This was an example of the way he saw the role of government leadership as "steward" to the nation, mediating on behalf of everyone's interests, not just the interests of a powerful small group. His "Square Deal" policies were aimed at making things fair and square for the general public. An example of this would be how much land was set aside under his administration as national forests, national parks, national monuments, etc. He was seeking to protect the use of the land for all Americans' interests, rather than letting corporations tear into any land or forest they wanted in order to grab natural resources.
D. publication of Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique
The German government was presented with a massive bill after World War I. This crippling debt load caused Germany to near collapse and many see a direct line between the punitive economic sanctions and the rise of the Nazi parti.