If the person is unconscious but still breathing, put them into the recovery position with their head lower than their body and call an ambulance immediately. Continue watching the patient to ensure they don't stop breathing and continue to breathe normally.
0.41 KM
Not sure but:
Distance per Time Time per Distance
0.41 km/h (kilometers per hour) 145:0.00 min:sec/km (minutes:seconds per kilometre)
6.90 m/min (metres per minute) 870.00 s/100m (seconds per 100 metres)
0.11 m/s (metres per second) 8.70 s/m (seconds per metre)
Iron performs many important functions in the body. It is primarily involved in the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to tissues. However, iron also plays a role in metabolism as a component of some proteins and enzymes. Iron is toxic to the body in its free state.