Over time, these advantageous traits become more common in the population. Through this process of natural selection, favorable traits are transmitted through generations. Natural selection can lead to speciation, where one species gives rise to a new and distinctly different species.
Colonists made soap from an animal fat and potassium hydroxide. In interaction of fat and alkali there is a hydrolysis reaction. At the same time salts of a potassium and alcohols are formed.
Step 1: glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvate
Step 2: Completes breakdown of carbon dioxide, makes small amounts of ATP, provides electrons
Step 3: electron transport chain, chemiosmosis; energy from electrons-- produces 32 ATP
each mile is an hour
each mile is an hour depending on how fast your going like when ur in bed with another person. feels good and fast at the same time to reach the destination