he story of “How the Whale got his tiny Throat” by Rudyard Kipling was first published in St Nicholas Magazine, in December 1897. It was collected in Just So Stories, 1902, illustrated by the author and followed by the poem “When the cabin port-holes are dark and green.”
The story tells that once upon a time the Whale ate fishes of all types and sizes. At last there was only one left in the sea, a small astute fish that hid behind the whale’s ear and advised him to eat a shipwrecked mariner. The Whale swallowed the mariner and the raft he was sitting on.
But then the mariner was inside, he started to jumped around so much that the Whale got hiccups and asked him to come out. The mariner answered that he would not, unless he was taken to the shore of his British home, and hopped harder than ever. So the Whale took him to the beach and the mariner came out. But in the meantime the clever mariner had made his raft into a grating which he secured in the Whale’s throat with his suspenders. Forever after, the Whale could only eat the smallest of fishes.
the central idea of the passage is that:
Because of one man’s actions, whales never eat human beings.
Indeed I think our society is selfish with poor morals because people don't even care about others feelings. For example, there is a girl that win 2,000,000$ with help of her sister, but guess what this girl doesn't give credit to he sister and instead she said that she knew everything and she did everything all by herself. Another example can be: you are at the mall and you find 100$ in the floor, then you see that there is a person that is looking for that money, and instead of giving that money to the person you pick it up and go away. This is a pretty good example of being selfish and immoral. Instead of staying with that money you needed to give it to that person, I mean you didn't know if that money was the only thing that person had.
11year,650 pupils,friends,worried, commitment, colleagues-the people you work with, donation-money or goods given it a person or organization, commitment -a promise or firm decision to do something, vocation-slowly over a period of time
The main theme of the story "An occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" is the inevitable and fluid passing of time. No matter what one does, one cannot escape death as time claims all eventually.