C. Byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.
Byte pair encoding is a form of encoding in which the most common pairs of consecutive bytes of data are replaced by a single byte which does not occur within the set of data.
For example, if we has a string ZZaaAb, it can be encoded if the pairs of string ZZ are replaced by X and the second pair by Y. So, our data now becomes XYAb.
To get our original data, that is decode it, we just replace the data with the keys X = ZZ and Y = aa thus allowing our original data to be restored.
Since our original string is restored without loss of data, it implies that <u>byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.</u>
do what the directions say and you should be able to figure out the answer if not contact me through brainly
Answer: rootkit
Hi, A rootkit is a collection of computer software, typically malicious, designed to enable access to a computer or an area of its software that is not otherwise allowed (for example, to an unauthorized user) and often masks its existence or the existence of other software.
A rootkit provides continued privileged access to a computer while hiding its presence. Because of this hiding characteristic it is very difficult to detect.
Once a rootkit has been installed, it allows someone to have total remote control of a computer and do things such as files executions and system changes.
Written in Python
import math
degreesF = float(input("Enter a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit: "))
degreesC = round(5 * (degreesF - 32)/9,1)
The following header allows you to use Math.Round() method in Python
import math
The following prompts the user for temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
degreesF = float(input("Enter a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit: "))
The following calculates the degree Celsius equivalent and also round it up
degreesC = round(5 * (degreesF - 32)/9,1)
The following prints the degree Celsius equivalent
False. The clutch only exists in vehicles with manual transmissions.