A would be your answer. Hot spot.
Topographic maps use contour lines to show elevation.
Topographic maps, often called "topo maps," feature contour lines to portray the shape and elevation of the land.
Contour lines (lines of equal elevation) that are close together indicate steep terrain, while lines that are far apart indicate flat terrain.
Such maps also usually portray both natural and artificial features. They show and name natural land formations such as mountains, valleys, plains, lakes, rivers and vegetation. They also identify particular man made features such as roads, boundaries, transmission lines and major buildings.
A table is the visualization of data by representing attributes or data in series of rows and columns. One important and key feature of a table is the table header. The table header gives a well defined title to use to which table is put to. It can be a "table of age of goats and gender". All tables must be titled with a header in this manner.
A map serves two purposes: It is a tool for storing reference material and a tool for communicat- ing geographic information. route between two places and to avoid getting lost along the way.
Tectonic shift is the movement of the plates that make up Earth's crust. The Earth is made up of roughly a dozen major plates and several minor plates. The Earth is in a constant state of change. Earth's crust, called the lithosphere, consists of 15 to 20 moving tectonic plates.