Answer:Argentina.Explanation:They want to buy a house in another country so the family can spend the summer there and they are looking for tall buildings and small detached houses, two ranches, etc. So the best place in South America to find a place with those characteristics is Argentina. It couldn't be Spain because it belongs to another continent. Then, it couldn't be Costa Rica because it is in central America and it couldn't be Guinea Ecuatorial because it belongs to another country. Argentina is a country located in South America and you can find tall buildings in Buenos Aires (the Capital City of the country). Then, you can find small detached houses in the provinces or even in Buenos Aires.
El agua es el principio de todas las cosas. Para Tales de Mileto el agua era el elemento primero de todas las cosas que existen, lo que dio comienzo al universo, una idea que los griegos llamaban arjé (del griego ἀρχή, fuente, principio u origen). Creando así, quizá, la primera teoría occidental sobre el mundo físico.
Yo en particular creo que el agua es una fuente esencial, tanto para el mundo y el ser vivo, el algua se puede considerar tan ecensial como lo es el oxígeno.
The correct answer is “ me ayudas?”
Talves seria; la papel del cuaderno