a. When must Janine recognize the income from the $17,360 advance payment for services if she uses the cash method of accounting?
Cash method of accounting recognizes revenues and expenses when they are received or paid for.
b. When must Janine recognize the income from the $17,360 advance payment for services if she uses the accrual method of accounting?
c. Suppose that instead of services, Janine received the payment for a security system (inventory) that she will deliver and install in year 2. When would Janine recognize the income from the advance payment for inventory sale if she uses the accrual method of accounting and she uses the deferral method for reporting income from advance payments? For financial accounting purposes, she reports the income when the inventory is delivered.
She will recognize revenue only after the merchandise is delivered.
d. Suppose that instead of services, Janine received the payment for the delivery of inventory to be delivered next year. When would Janine recognize the income from the advance payment for sale of goods if she uses the accrual method of accounting and she uses the full-inclusion method for advance payments?
Under this system, advanced payments are considered revenue on the year that they were received.
A suitable advantage of magazine advertisement is option C.
The magazine may be meant only for men or only for women or for both. Thus a suitable magazine maybe selected to make an appeal to a particular section of the community.
By using magazines as a medium for advertising, an appeal can be made to a large body of persons with similar tastes or covering a large area.
In the 21st century, promoting in print or in computerized magazines may appear to be silly. TV arrives at millions additional customers. Publicizing on your site costs not exactly on television. Furthermore, aren't magazines collapsing left and right?
In actuality, the magazine business, even in printed copy, is progressing nicely. New magazines are continually showing up, and various them succeed and flourish. Purchasing promotion space may not be modest, however it tends to be compelling.
Slender Focal point of Interests
Satellite television has some specialty stations, however magazines take practicing to the following level. Promoting in a magazine that takes into account a specialty crowd of devotees or experts focuses on that crowd absolutely.
Stogie Enthusiast provides food solely to stogie smoking perusers. Author's Review perusers are keen on whatever helps their composing professions. Crossties is the authoritative manual for the railroad crosstie industry. In the event that a magazine serves your fantasy segment, it could be a match made in heaven.
I am not entirely sure what a performance test is, but I can help with the others. A polygraph is a machine, used usually if you are in legal trouble, to see if you are lying. While results aren't 100% accurate, you typically can get a gage for if someone committed a crime. They are also rarely used for interviews, some companies want to see if people are lying on their resumes. Drug tests are tests that are given to most people with a job, and especially sports players. Companies especially like to test people for drugs, to see if they might be on an illegal drug that could cause them to work less efficiently. It also is a liability issue for the company if an employee is on an illegal drug. Drug tests are typically done at a lab, and you usually have to pee in a cup and have it get tested.
To better facilitate an understanding of layout issues, Arnold Palmer Hospital studies using (A) queuing theory.
Queuing theory also known as the "queuing theory" it is used to examine the various component in waiting line that needs to be served.
The queuing theory refers to the various component like the arrival process,the service process,number of computerized system, number of servers used and the number of people in queue (i.e customers)
The various applications of the queuing theory include -traffic management,(vehicles management, two or four wheeler), scheduling patients in government hospitals, jobs that are done on machines, computer programs), and facility designs of supermarkets.
Thus,In a hospital settings the layout issues can be dealt by understanding the queuing theory.
C Housing prices in Country A will increase as wood imports become more expensive.
Since country A imports all wood from other countries, an increase in price of wood by suppliers means that they are now expensive. Country A will be paying much more money for the same amount of supply they imported before prices rose. This will lead to housing prices to increase as a way to pass over the costs to homebuyers and tenants through rising home prices and rents respectively.