important. the other side, but it would like the look at this point I am going through my
This saying encourages people to be strong and resilient.
The saying is a word game that refers to the fact that people get stronger when difficult situations arise. As was said in the question the saying is referring to the feeling of resilience, because it says that when things get tough people must harden, get stronger to face these things. In short, the saying urges people to be strong, resilient and not to give up without a good fight.
Short term memory test.
It is often referred to as the test of seven plus or minus 2. The test was developed by a psychologist whose name is George Miller. It was developed in 1956. It is currently one of the most often cited studies in this branch of psychology.
a) clinical psychology
Clinical psychology: The term clinical psychology is defined as a field of psychology that is considered as a professional specialty and is concerned with treating and diagnosing brain-related diseases, behavioral problems, and emotional disturbances.
In other words, clinical psychology is defined as a combination of theory, science, and clinical knowledge to gain the preventing measures, understanding, and relieving different psychologically-based dysfunction or distress and therefore promoting personal development and subjective well-being.
In the question above, Ashya should work in the area of clinical psychology.
Luke didn't have an effective strategy to monitor his comprehension
Whenever people experienced failures, our first defense mechanism will most likely influence us to blame external factors rather than acknowledging there might be something wrong with the way we conduct things.
In luke's case, he might developed that view because he never really been exposed to an effective method that brought success to his test scores. Because of this, the only outcomes that he's experienced are only failures and he never really found a strategy that can work to overcome it.
To fix this, Luke need to communicate with other successful students and ask their study method in order to conduct a trial run and find which method suit him the most.