i think u will still past because i new this one kid who failed the whole year but still pasted and went to the next year.
Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into WWII, which changed the reason of why we would fight in the war, and potentially changed the outcome of World War II. Before Pearl Harbor, the United States had declared to "remain a neutral nation" in the war by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Orwell's message is that any society with absolute power leaders will eventually collapse because leaders will inevitably operate powers in their favour.
In the novel titled Animal Far, George Orwell writes a story by warning people about the risks involved in assuming and rising to power in politics, especially in a communist state.
His novel has a slight reference to the Russian revolution, which is allegorical in nature. He refers to the Bolshevik revolution where Stalin used his power to oppress a lot of people. This is quite similar to Napoleon in the novel who rose to power and become a tyrant.
They tried to me civilized but I didn't work and they walked on a trek that was later known as the Trail of Tears.